Tuesday 26 February 2008

Searching for Costumes & Ideas

Hi all,

Spent the whole of last night trawling the internet looking for Han Solo's blaster and droid caller!!

No joy really, no-one seems to do a cheap but good one... Mostly .33 Replica's or the Master Replica Han Solo Blaster which is very very expensive!! Definately too much for costuming.

Anyone out there know where I can get a good one??

Found alot of American websites that do decent Full Jedi Costumes and the main characters such as:

Stormtroopers Darth Vader Darth Maul Jango Fett
Princess Leia Queen Amidala Padme Chewbacca and what seems to be a very poor Yoda.

I did however find a good website for the latex masks of such characters as:

Greedo Kit Fisto Jango Fett Jar Jar Binks Darth Vader Tusken Raiders Clone Troopers Yoda Sebulba C3PO Rune Hakko Even Piell Ki-Adi-Mundi among others!!

I shall continue my quest for my costume and others... I will update with some helpful links soon.

May the force be with you.... Always

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