Friday 29 February 2008

The Empire Strikes Back

Good morning my young padawan learners,

The dark side has made its latest strike attack at us UK costumers, so this will be specifically aimed at you guys.

I overlooked the fact that most/all of the links that I have put on my page under Costuming Links on the right hand side are USA based companies and that once you have paid for the items and shipping costs you WILL be liable to pay TAX & IMPORT DUTIES my crude calculations have worked it out to be about 30% of the total amount you have paid including shipping costs,but please DO NOT quote me on this, if I were you and I was going to buy from a USA based website I would e-mail first and they could probably tell you either an exact or apporximate amount that you would pay on top of the total price and shipping costs.

Some of the USA based websites actually work this out for you and to be honest its swings and roundabout as the amount that you pay in the UK for a costume is probably double what you would pay in the USA, this is just a WARNING for one and all!!

Today I will again trawl the Internet for UK based companies that sell an assortment of Star Wars Costumes and I will provide the links on my page.

May the force be with you.... Always

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