Wednesday 27 February 2008

I have a VERY good feeling about this!!

Hello my Padawan Learners,

As you can see I've had a fantastic day... After finding many websites that sell a variety of Star Wars Costumes not only has it made my life easier by informing friends and family but I've actually been able to create the links on my blog.

Please see below right column for a list of very helpful links to websites that provide Star Wars Costumes & Accessories.

I have visited each and every one of them personally and I will continue my quest over the next few weeks to update and upgrade this section to give a comprehensive index of reputable sites.

If you are actually invited to My Wedding then please do not hesitate to use the links provided and start shopping!!

Don't forget there's not long to go and you don't want to be the only one without a suitable costume!!

I have also added the video blog which has been initially setup with the infamous Star Wars Kid Video... Load it up and Check it out... It's Hilarious!!

May the force be with you.... Always

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