Monday 10 March 2008

Star Wars Costume Ideas for the Ladies

Hi my young padawan learners,

Hopefully you have come back to read the updates and today is mainly aimed at the ladies for costuming ideas! As you can see on the right-hand side of the page there are a list of costuming sites both in the UK and USA, but unfortunately they only really cover Princess Leia & Queen Amidala for costumes!

Below is a list of names of Ladies in the Star Wars films that maybe you could get an idea from for a costume or maybe even reproduce yourself?!

Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Aurra Sing, Bariss Offee, Beru, Breha Organa, Dominique Chionchio, Princess Leia, Luminara Unduli, Mara Jade Skywalker, Mon Mothma, Motee, Nee Alavar, Nyrat Agira, Oola, Padme Amidala, Padme Flame, Padme Red, Padme Tatooine, Pampy, Queen Amidala, Queen Apailana, Rystall, Senator Bana Breemu, Shaak Ti, Sheltray Retrac, Shmi Skywalker, Stass Allie, Zam Wessel

If you go to Google and click on Google images in the top left hand corner then type in the name it will come up with an image of this character. These are just a few of the main characters in Star Wars, you can obviously do your own research too.

The idea behind most of the costumes is using crushed velvet and a Henry VIII look, which seems to be where the costuming ideas come from.

Good Luck!

May the force be with you.... Always

Wednesday 5 March 2008

I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last.

Good Evening my young padawan learners.

After a very busy weekend I got cracking on more Wedding arrangements!!

The invites, which had been draughted. are now ready for production and should be completed by the weekend, so one should be winging its way to you soon!!

Also, Daniel has been hard at work with his team for the production of the Star Wars Theme for the Evening Reception. Thanks Dan, you the Man!!

I have started the information pack for attendees of the actual Star Wars Wedding Day and these will be produced and delivered with your invites.

The only headache for us is narrowing the invites for the Star Wars Wedding Day down to the maximum limit which is 50 people, we are really struggling and obviously we would love to have more than this amount of guests, but unfortunately it's a requirement of the Fire Service so is a safety issue, so please do not be offended if we can't fit you in.

So in conclusion it's full steam ahead, I have spoken to alot of people and there seems to be a big buzz about this event and the fact that its a Star Wars Theme initially was not a hit, but the force is strong with us and using the ways we have transformed the negativity into positivity!!

May the force be with you.... Always

Saturday 1 March 2008

The Co-ordinates are in the Navi-Computer!!

Hello there! Come here my little friend. Don't be afraid.

Myself, Tam & Daniel all visited out reception location last night to measure up the massive hall for the Wedding Evening Reception!!

We had a few ideas of what we wanted but Tam came up with the best idea yet... As you go into the double door room you are immediately faced with the Dance Floor (where I'm sure many Jedi's & Stormtroopers will be busting some moves to the sounds of the Cantina Band Theme Tune) followed by the Stage where DJ Skully will be situated with his command over both Rebel & Imperial Scum.

To the right are 3 little alcoves that we have measured up which Tam thought would be a good idea to Theme into 3 separate areas, whether they be the Forest Moon of Endor, Tatooine, Interior of a Spacecraft or even the Death Star. Here will reside the greatest photo opportunities for guests who have come dressed in the required Full Star Wars Outfits!!

Not only that, but opposite we will try to get some sort of symmetry to the room by exerts of a Space Galaxy Theme including various crafts, vessels, spaceships and moons!!

I can't go into this in depth as we need to save a little back for the evening but suffice to say it's getting very, VERY exciting!!

May the force be with you.... Always

Friday 29 February 2008

The Empire Strikes Back

Good morning my young padawan learners,

The dark side has made its latest strike attack at us UK costumers, so this will be specifically aimed at you guys.

I overlooked the fact that most/all of the links that I have put on my page under Costuming Links on the right hand side are USA based companies and that once you have paid for the items and shipping costs you WILL be liable to pay TAX & IMPORT DUTIES my crude calculations have worked it out to be about 30% of the total amount you have paid including shipping costs,but please DO NOT quote me on this, if I were you and I was going to buy from a USA based website I would e-mail first and they could probably tell you either an exact or apporximate amount that you would pay on top of the total price and shipping costs.

Some of the USA based websites actually work this out for you and to be honest its swings and roundabout as the amount that you pay in the UK for a costume is probably double what you would pay in the USA, this is just a WARNING for one and all!!

Today I will again trawl the Internet for UK based companies that sell an assortment of Star Wars Costumes and I will provide the links on my page.

May the force be with you.... Always

Wednesday 27 February 2008

I have a VERY good feeling about this!!

Hello my Padawan Learners,

As you can see I've had a fantastic day... After finding many websites that sell a variety of Star Wars Costumes not only has it made my life easier by informing friends and family but I've actually been able to create the links on my blog.

Please see below right column for a list of very helpful links to websites that provide Star Wars Costumes & Accessories.

I have visited each and every one of them personally and I will continue my quest over the next few weeks to update and upgrade this section to give a comprehensive index of reputable sites.

If you are actually invited to My Wedding then please do not hesitate to use the links provided and start shopping!!

Don't forget there's not long to go and you don't want to be the only one without a suitable costume!!

I have also added the video blog which has been initially setup with the infamous Star Wars Kid Video... Load it up and Check it out... It's Hilarious!!

May the force be with you.... Always

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Searching for Costumes & Ideas

Hi all,

Spent the whole of last night trawling the internet looking for Han Solo's blaster and droid caller!!

No joy really, no-one seems to do a cheap but good one... Mostly .33 Replica's or the Master Replica Han Solo Blaster which is very very expensive!! Definately too much for costuming.

Anyone out there know where I can get a good one??

Found alot of American websites that do decent Full Jedi Costumes and the main characters such as:

Stormtroopers Darth Vader Darth Maul Jango Fett
Princess Leia Queen Amidala Padme Chewbacca and what seems to be a very poor Yoda.

I did however find a good website for the latex masks of such characters as:

Greedo Kit Fisto Jango Fett Jar Jar Binks Darth Vader Tusken Raiders Clone Troopers Yoda Sebulba C3PO Rune Hakko Even Piell Ki-Adi-Mundi among others!!

I shall continue my quest for my costume and others... I will update with some helpful links soon.

May the force be with you.... Always

Monday 25 February 2008

My Star Wars Wedding

Today I created my blog called My Star Wars Wedding, which obviously is dedicated to the Wedding of the Year!!

Primarily it will discuss exactly what has happened so far and will be updated with any news and progress reports up to and including the actual Wedding day itself and I will ofcourse upload any and all of the photo's from the big day and evening reception for one and all.

I will also list useful sites that I have purchased items from and include any sites that I have used for reference with costuming for the wedding.

I will also be adding a list of costuming ideas for people and a who's who so far, so if you need any advice on costumes or ideas or just want to air your views on Our Big Day... just log on and let me know!!

May the force be with you.... Always